You can add a new book to your library by filling out the form.
Enter the title of the book and, if available, the subtitle. Title is required!
The IDs entered in the ISBN and ISSN fields are checked and an error message is generated if the value entered is incorrect.
Select whether the book contains multiple volumes and specify the volume number. You can also record the release and year of release.
To add a publisher, click on the input field and enter at least two letters of the publisher name. The program searches through a set of previously recorded publishers and displays the results. The more characters you type, the more accurate the result will be. From the list, you can select a previously recorded item or type in the full name of the publisher you want to add. You can add multiple publishers for a book. To remove a publisher, click the x icon.
You can record the publishing place(s) in a similar way.
If the book to be added is part of a serie, you can specify which serie it belongs to and the number of the book in the serie.
You can record people associated with the book. You can specify one or more authors, editors, translators and illustrators.
You can specify which classification the book belongs to. (The classifications can be set on the Manage page.)
An unlimited number of tags can be assigned to a book, allowing you to organize your library items freely.
Other data to be recorded can be typed in the notes field.
To finish recording a book, press the Create button. After this, a list of books will appear.